Hello, Parents! We're starting to get back into the swing of things in Latin class, and I wanted to give you all a look at what we will be covering in Latin this quarter. We will focus largely on procedures and phrases need for our daily classroom activities. In addition, we will be learning vocabulary related to school in hopes that we can use as much latin as possible in the classroom. There will not be much difference between the three grades this quarter, since we have several new students, and we can always use more practice and review. Once we all have a solid foundation beneath us, the grades will differentiate in skill level further. Even in this quarter, however, we will go further in depth with the grammar rules with each ascending class. Below I have outlined the phrases, vocabulary, and grammar rules we will cover throughout the quarter for your reference. Classroom Phrases: Salvete, discipuli! - Hello, students! Salve, magistra! - Hello, teacher! Valete, discipul...