Hello Parents,
Welcome back! I hope you all had an enjoyable and restful break. This quarter, our theme is food. We will be learning a wide variety of nouns for fruits, vegetables, meats, desserts, drinks, etc. We will be expanding our vocabulary to include several adjectives to describe the flavors and qualities of food. In addition, we will practice many verbs to communicate the activities surrounding eating and cooking. All of our study will culminate in the reading of Eruca Famelicior (The Very Hungry Caterpillar). The kindergarteners will simply be working towards comprehension of the text. The first graders will work towards identifying the different types of words in the story. The second graders will also look at some of the grammatical structures in the book including the accusative case and the past tense. As always, the goal is primarily comprehension and communication, although we will explore some grammar concepts. Below, you can find a break down of the various vocabulary we will be working with this quarter.
Welcome back! I hope you all had an enjoyable and restful break. This quarter, our theme is food. We will be learning a wide variety of nouns for fruits, vegetables, meats, desserts, drinks, etc. We will be expanding our vocabulary to include several adjectives to describe the flavors and qualities of food. In addition, we will practice many verbs to communicate the activities surrounding eating and cooking. All of our study will culminate in the reading of Eruca Famelicior (The Very Hungry Caterpillar). The kindergarteners will simply be working towards comprehension of the text. The first graders will work towards identifying the different types of words in the story. The second graders will also look at some of the grammatical structures in the book including the accusative case and the past tense. As always, the goal is primarily comprehension and communication, although we will explore some grammar concepts. Below, you can find a break down of the various vocabulary we will be working with this quarter.
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